David Salner--
Poet, essayist, fiction writer

Short Biography of DAVID SALNER
David Salner’s poetry has appeared in Threepenny Review, Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Salmagundi, North American Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, and many other magazines. His novel A Place to Hide will appear in March 2021 from Apprentice House Press. His fourth poetry collection, The Stillness of Certain Valleys, appeared in 2018. His third book, Blue Morning Light, was printed in 2016 by Pond Road Press.
In 2017 Salner received his second grant from the Maryland State Arts Council. He has also earned grants from the Puffin Foundation and the Dr. Henry P. and Page Laughlin Fund. He won the 2010 Oboh Prize from Boxcar Poetry Review judged by Cecilia Wolloch and the 2016 Lascaux Poetry Prize. He has nine Pushcart Prize nominations and one Best of the Net. On three separate occasions, Garrison Keillor has read Salner’s work on his NPR show, Writer’s Almanac.
Salner has an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His working life has included jobs as iron ore miner, steelworker, machinist, bus driver, cab driver, longshoreman, teacher, and librarian. He was also a telephone solicitor for 24 hours.
A chapter from Salner’s novel A Place to Hide appeared in the 2016 december magazine. This novel tells the story of a fugitive from Montana who ends up working on the Holland Tunnel—of his hardships, his friends, and his one true love— in the 1920s Lower East Side. Other prose pieces have appeared in Lascaux Review 2014 Prize Edition, Cottonwood, and Green Hills Literary Lantern; his blogs have appeared in North American Review, Potomac Review, and Fourth River.
Salner lives in Long Neck DE with his wife Barbara Greenway, a high School English teacher, not far from Lily and Paul Bisson, their daughter and son-in-law.